Sunday, January 04, 2009

dear humanity,

don't mind me, i am feeling particularly cheerful and misanthropic today, and nothing would elate me further than ruining your day. if you don't know what misanthropy is then i hate you and you can go die. if you do know what it is, well, I still hate you. That was a joke, GET IT?!? seriously though if you don't get it then i really do hate you.

stop being so goddamn self important. a genetic improbability has given you something called consciousness, which makes you think you are the shit, when in reality it is as significant as a baboon having a blue ass. the earth is not as much of a fucking prude as you are... do you really think it gives a shit if you litter? do you really think it cares about its atmospheric composition? do you really think you are any better than anything that has crawled or shit on this earth? environmentalism is the ultimate disease of consciousness... of human self-importance. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF. just because you know you are here doesn't make you any more important than anything else that has stained this infinite palette. if you really think your electron microscopic ass is too much for this planet to handle, kindly kill yourself. Mother Earth would be pleased.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Things That Piss Conservatives Off: "Liberal Media Bias": Liberalism as Progressivism

First off, let's cut through the bullshit and ask ourselves, "Does American media have a liberal bias?" The best answer for this is that it is the media's RESPONSIBILITY to have liberal bias, or alternately, that liberal bias is inherent to the concept of media. What does this mean? Again, cutting through the bullshit that is the pigeonholing popular political process of the Western World, we discover that, at the very heart of conservatism, is the preservation of the status quo. Unfortunately, the status quo proves itself to be incredibly amorphous as a result of the phenomenon known as Stuff Happening. Stuff Happens... we see this every day. When Stuff Happens, to the chagrin of "conservatives", Things Change. What THIS means is that the media panders directly to the anti-conservative ideal of Change through the acknowledgment and purportion of Stuff Happening, because it is that which challenges the status quo that is newsworthy.

There is a lot more that can be said on this subject to clarify my point, however, I do not feel like expounding right now. This type of rant is an outlet for the socially ostracizing practice of logic and rationalism, and I have had my fix for now.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Tribute To Great Commercials

so yeah i watch tv now which kinda sucks but it's not all bad because i am about to tell you what the 3 best ads are nowadays

Domino's Subs
crappy quality, the dude and the chick work at Submart (Subway) and the chick at the beginning is saying they've got "nothing to worry about" since Domino's is a pizza place. earns 5 stars for straightforwardness and shock value

we can all learn a lesson from mr. bill about keeping our chins up

Traveler's Insurance
charming. highlights include "swimming?!" and "it's bruckken"

now go invest in these companies so i can earn royalties off of the 7 or 8 of you who are going to view this :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

rant #5892-87.2

i really don't care who you vote for, but if you vote it might as well be for obama. why?? because he is black. seriously. if you think race SHOULDN'T (not "doesn't) matter in an election, then you are also perceptive enough to realize that it absolutely matters for far too many dumb motherfuckers in this country on both sides of the political spectrum. look at standardized testing, any type of government paperwork, taxes, whatever. they make it seem as the color of your skin is as significant an item as your name and your zip code. perhaps this is all in the name of some liberal ideal of racial progressivism (it's not). At any rate we also have an overload of inbred toothless "WHITE POWER" miraclewhiponwonderbread-eating rednecks, and I am just too reasonable of a person to not be pissed off by blind racism. i would just rather have the second generation of said rednecks look at a tv screen and see a black man as the most "powerful" man in the country and think to themselves that maybe their parents are somewhat full of shit...

above all else, a president is an IMAGE, NOT a decision maker...

do YOU think i am full of shit??? if so, let me know!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Album review - "None So Vile" by Cryptopsy

So, this is the first time I have written an album review. I chose to write it on NSV for several reasons:

-it is one of my favorite albums of all time
-it is a landmark in its genre
-technical metal/grind music is often misunderstood and its musicians rarely get the respect they deserve
-there is complexity to the music that i find intellectually stimulating as well as emotive

*Where do I even begin? The sheer heaviness of this album and the influence it has necessarily had on every death metal act since is enough to land it a spot as the greatest death metal album of its time. Due to the cleaner production, it is slightly more accessible than its precursor "Blasphemy Made Flesh", and really showcases Technicality as one of Brutality's greatest companions.

The album takes off with a sample from "The Exorcist 3", a drumroll, a blood-curtling scream, and perhaps the most overt example of incomprehensible vocal frenzy on the entire disc. Lord Worm's barks, screams and growls are among the genre's best, adding an aggressive flare to the music better than the permanently deadened sound of some death metal vocalists. Since the lyrics themselves have little influence on the music (unless you are reading along), I will not delve into their quality too deeply. Suffice it to say that they are as intelligent as they are twisted. Flo Mounier's diverse blast beating never fails to impress either. It is played with impressive speed and precision, and is produced very tightly, adding to the feeling of controlled chaos throughout the album. A brilliantly simple isolated guitar harmony gives way to more chaos on "Slit Your Guts", one of the album's best. The highlight of the track, however, is the bass passage about halfway through. Eric Langlois' avante garde stylings are akin to the sound of fellow Canadian progressive death metallers Gorguts.

I am a natural skeptic and I do not believe that "perfection" is a viable concept in Art. With that said, what may be perceived as consistent, brutal songwriting by some may be perceived as riff-interchangeability by others. In this case I think it is a fair tradeoff, although I have found myself listening to "Orgiastic Disembowelment" and anticipating a riff from "Benedictine Convulsions", for example. Perhaps this is the reason that "Phobophile" is my favorite track on the album, as it offers a short break from the chaos. A hauntingly beautiful and perfectly anticipatory piano intro dissolves with a bit of guitar feedback, some groovy bass, and the most triumphant return to sheer fucking brutality you could possibly hope for. This transition consistently gives me shivers.

This album is recommended as an important example of musical extremity for anyone who is musically open-minded (if you make it to the piano passage you might be able to recover enough to make it through the rest of the album!), and if you are a fan of death metal you probably already own it. In a genre constantly trying to outdo itself, this album retains its impact after 12 years. Very, very well done!*

I am interested in hearing your feedback whether or not you are into music, whether it be on my opinions or the writing itself or anything else, let me know what you think! I will also be posting this review elsewhere on the web.

Keep checking back, I will probably continue writing about a wide variety of subjects in any random sort of fashion.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Phelps got more golds than Phrance...


Saturday, September 06, 2008

this blog is the bastard child of physical lethargy impregnated by the small spark of liveliness i have been feeling lately that would enable me to make something as trivial as this. i am both selfish enough to be having these thoughts and writing them down and altruistic enough to be sharing them with you. thank you, you're welcome.

speaking of altruism...

"The common good of a collective -- a race, a class, a state -- was the claim and justification of every tyranny ever established over men. Every major horror of history was committed in the name of an altruistic motive. Has any act of selfishness ever equaled the carnage perpetrated by disciples of altruism?"
-Ayn Rand

This is certainly a provocative quote. My initial thoughts lead me to more historical instances that hold this claim to be true, for example, the pursuit of Aryan supremacy that is perhaps the sole prerequisite for a disgusting atrocity like the Holocaust to occur. On the other hand, perhaps the tyranny of Roman Emperor Nero was more so in the name of selfish decadence than anything else (these 2 fuckers are often seen at the top of lists regarding the most evil people (read: men) in history). Anyhow, I am less convinced of my Neroic example, as I am less educated on the matter and currently lacking the motivation to obtain the knowledge necessary to have a properly educated conviction. Unfortunately, I am less driven by Objectivist Enlightenment than I am by the Pursuit of the Empty Keystone. Perhaps I will investigate and reflect on the matter further, or perhaps you can save me some time and effort by providing me with your thoughts. Don't be shy now.

anyway, seriously, ayn rand is fucking sharp.

in an ideal world (did you know that "utopia" is derived from a Greek word meaning "nowhere"?), this is the type of person that would be a leader of societies. i'd also like to commend the effectiveness of the questioning, as it actively sought to fully understand ayn's philosophy with just the right dose of Judeo-Christian dogmatic skepticism. imagine o'reilly or sean hannity or some such tool factory in wallace's place.

this wasn't such a bad way to kill some time on a hungover, carless, tropical storm-infused saturday night. maybe i'll do it again. shtoita.

comments/questions plz :)
you dont have to be a member or anything and they wont show up on this page unless you want them to